Tianzhong Station

The original name of Tianzhong Station was “Field Center Station”, meaning the village built at the center of a large paddy field. In 1905 (7 years before the start of Republic Era), “Field Center Station” started to operate. It is a first-generation building, which was composed of a one-floor wooden room without any platform or other accessory facilities at that time. In 1920, it was renamed as Tianzhnog Station along with the change of the name of the place. In 1936, the second floor was added with a five-triangle roof as its feature. Until 1964, the station room was extended and rebuilt. In 1999, province government allocated money for transportation construction funds and renovated the original station into the appearance you seen at the “Tian Zhong Station” now.

In 2003, all the service offices for handling ticket affairs and waiting rooms were gathered at the second floor and business spaces were planned. Moreover, perforation of the front and rear station was done for the convenience of the public to pass through the railway and to take the train. This also facilitated local development. The old station was also retained (building with triangular roof at the left), which is next to the new station. New and old building witnessed the development of Tian Zhong area together.

At the front of Tianzhong Station stood a cute Japanese small log cabin. Its main body was built by superior materials, such as Taiwan Red Cypress, which was the “Wu Fen Zi Station” for Taiwan Sugar Railways at that time, going West to Fang Yuan. It is a transportation thoroughfare for the local residents along the route.

→Taiwan Railways Administration

Tianzhong Mask Factory
Tianzhong Kiln Cat Village